Who We Are!
Founded by Director Mrs Karen Bryson, Bright Futures 4 All, provides quality, education and well-being services, that support adults and children to achieve extraordinary results in their lives.
"It takes a village to raise a child"
Inspired by this African Proverb, we believe that the successful upbringing of a child is a community effort. The responsibility for raising a child is shared with the extended family - this includes neighbours, friends, schools and community-centred enterprises. This communal approach is at the heart of our services.
A brief history
The company was originally founded in Islington, London in 2007, to promote greater equality of educational opportunities to all children. We began life in partnership with Islington's St. Mary's and St. Luke's Community centres, where we offered affordable (£2.50) after-school tutoring support. This , included the teaching of English, French, maths and art-based therapeutic work. This was run by a team of Black male teaching assistants. That academic year, we took these families, on local and international trips, which concluded with a coach day trip to France.
Note: Many families were former refugees, who had never left Islington.
We now mainly operate in Croydon and surrounding South London boroughs. We see providing inspirational education and well-being services, as a tool for greater social mobility and economic empowerment. As a CIC (Community Interest Company) we aim to achieve this by partnering with donor organisations, to deliver a range of excellent, free and affordable education and wellbeing services to children and their parents, who are in need of support.
We have no political or religious affiliation. Our founding principles are based on British Christian values of promoting an inclusive community setting, where families from diverse cultural, religious, non-religious and ethnic backgrounds are all welcome.
Our Charitable Objectives
We aim to provide:
Access to quality education, training and well-being services, to low-income families, to enable the social-mobility of these children and adults from the neediest in our community.
The advancement of the education and well-being of all children and parents, whilst fostering respect, tolerance and humility towards all people.
We plan to achieve this by providing the following:
A Special Provision for LAC (Looked-After-Children) who will always be prioritised; As will families from BAME backgrounds (at least 1/3rd of the intake) and other UK minority-ethnics.
An education hub that reflects the 1 in 7 children (average of 20% in UK classroom populations), that are neuro-diverse.